Sunday, June 28, 2015

China has an extremely old human progress

History Channel Documentary,

China has an extremely old human progress, which extends back to 400 years. Around then China was known as the 'center kingdom' and was the focal point of the world. Yet, history has a cycle and that cycle sent China rushing down as the European forces drove via England and France went to the fore. The time of provinciality was introduced and the transcendent power on the planet was the British Empire.

The Rise of the USA

The time of realms and frontierism proceeded till the end of the Second World War in 1945. Hitler who unleashed the Second World War, however crushed sounded the demise toll of the British and French domains and as a matter of course the end of provinciality. The end of the war saw the development of the USA as a super power. It assumed control over the mantle of the British Empire.

For quite a while it was equaled by the Soviet Union, however its intrinsic disagreements prompted its fall and the USA developed as the sole Global force.

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