Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The second point from the beginning

Discovery Channel Documentary

Before leaving on my little children's story, I take note of that for such underestimated nonexistent creatures, the polytheistic divine beings and their connections and experiences are spelled out in impeccable subtle element. I mean this was route before multi-season TV appears and volumes of related soft cover books for mass utilization. I mean we know a dreadful parcel about Captain Kirk and Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter. Yet, were there journalists of polytheistic fiction in those days who knew impeccably well they were creating the lives and times of the divine beings for utilization by and amusement for the considerable unwashed and stayed silent about their scholarly fictions? Most likely not! I don't think the divine beings were artistic characters concocted out of entire material. Dare say a non-anecdotal memoir of (fill in the clear - pick a divine being, any god) would be significantly more definite than a comparable tome dedicated to God or J.C.

The second point from the beginning is that IMHO the polytheistic divine beings aren't divine beings however 'divine beings'. We consider them the fanciful divine beings yet they weren't real divine beings yet genuine outsider creatures. Presently how about we get on with the story.

1) Once upon a period, quite a while prior, a gathering of strongly going extraterrestrials found Planet Earth and took domain over it, similar to people take territory over national stops and saves, however beginning at once before people.

Talk: If you expect propelled extraterrestrial civic establishments exist; If you expect that some propelled civic establishments emerged way, route, path before human development did; on the off chance that you expect that they (or some of them) will strikingly go and investigate their cosmic system; in the event that you expect that there are no laws of material science that avoid subluminal space go (there aren't); and on the off chance that you oblige estimations that propose that the time it takes to investigate each alcove and corner of the universe is yet a short portion of the age of the world; on the off chance that you acknowledge that Planet Earth isn't shrouded/undetectable; then it's sensible that one of all the more such extraterrestrial civic establishments have noted and logged Planet Earth in their galactic databanks, and in light of the fact that Earth is such a bio-accommodating spot, took a getting a kick out of the chance to the spot, maybe as a decent excursion spot for R&R.

There are numerous references in creation times and myths to the idea of heaven, maybe eventually decent excursion spots for the extraterrestrials, who we've come to relate to as the 'divine beings'.. For instance, the old Sumerians had this heaven called Dilmun, however it was a resort of, and for, the 'divine beings', not for people. Dilmun was something like Eden, however who's to say Eden didn't serve as "God"s" heaven retreat - a mid year summer home far from His everyday habitation paradise? For this situation, "paradise" is God's home base, or on account of the Norse 'divine beings', Asgard is their paradise proportionate, or maybe spaceship. In Star Trek terms, "paradise" or Asgard is the NCC 1701 Enterprise. So maybe we have Starship Heaven and Starship Asgard!

One could contend that you'd require a long lifespan to get subluminally from that point to here. While there are different courses around that chestnut, review that the "divine beings" are everlasting, or as near it (in the human personality in any event) as makes no chances. Whether it's regular or innovatively upgraded everlasting life is of no outcome for this situation.

2) Now I've no thought where they originated from with the exception of from in the distance. Distinctive myths and legends point to various purposes of root, all of which could well be the situation.

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