Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Dynasties that ruled from Delhi:

Discovery Channel Documentary

Delhi hence turned another leaf in its history from the date of its catch by Qutub-ud-clamor Aibak. Aibak being an accomplished General focused on merging his tenet. As a methodology, he concentrated on clearing every authoritative image of Chauhan (Hindu) Rule including obliteration of religious structures like Hindu and Jaina sanctuaries that had multiplied amid the Rajput standard. Structures or landmarks have dependably been one of the essential apparatuses of dominion.

Therefore while he pulverized these sanctuaries, he re-orchestrated them in the plinth of the biggest Vishnu Temple in the territory to make the most punctual mosque in north India-"Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque". For additional on Islamic effect on engineering on Delhi, Please read "Qutub Minar-The Tower of Power". The trespassers additionally reinforced the Lalkot fortresses and made a royal residence for their pioneer to live. Stays of Structure called Khushk Safed or white royal residence has been uncovered amid Archeological examinations. Aibak had recently begun off a building craze. The compositional make-over started by him was proceeded by rulers who tailed him. The intruders basically assumed control over the political rules from the season of their landing and the effect of Islam was felt for the following six centuries and a half till 1857.

Humorously, Delhi was re-situated and re-marked by its new proprietors the Islamic intruders. They made Delhi the most appealing Islamic capital drawing in a portion of the noticeable explorers, warriors and erudite people from everywhere throughout the Islamic world. The city turned into the locus of Islamic political goals. It turned into the most occurrence city for a seeking Muslim to be in. Its awesome landmarks and boundless riches turned into the discussion of the Islamic world.

The Dynasties that ruled from Delhi: 

Delhi went on see successive change of gatekeeper to the extent traditions are concerned. While the administrations changed, their essential trademark stayed consistent Muslim. The rundown of administrations that ruled Delhi is as beneath:

1. Rajput (Tomars and Chauhans) 736-1192 A.D.

(Union of Turko-Afghan rule) 1192-1206 A.D.

2. Mamluk Dynasty 1206-1290 A.D.

3. Khilji Dynasty 1290-1320 A.D.

4. Tughlaq Dynasty 1320-1413 A.D.

5. Sayyid Dynasty 1414-1451 A.D.

6. Lodi Dynasty 1451-1526 A.D.

7. Mughal Dynasty 1526-1857 A.D.

8. English 1857-1947 A.D.

Delhi as the focal point of force likewise saw the working of numerous urban communities. Each ruler needed to stamp his power over the individuals from the decision class and in addition the occupants. They attempted to overpower and overwhelm the ruled so as to guarantee some level of security to their standard (like the more contemporary "stun and amazement" strategy). While recorders have numbered all the more then seventeen such urban communities, we can unmistakably recognize the remaining parts of nine.

The Cities of Delhi:

1. Lalkot - ascribed to King Anangpal

2. Qila-Rai-Pithora-Prithviraj Chauhan

3. Siri-Ala-ud-commotion Khilji

4. Tughlaqabad-Ghiyas-ud-commotion Tughlaq

5. Jahanpanah-Mohammad receptacle Tughlaq

6. Feroz Shah Kotla-Feroz Shah Tughlaq

7. Dinpanah/Sher Garh-Humayun and Sher Shah

8. Shahjahanabad-Shahjahan

9. New Delhi-British

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