Sunday, July 5, 2015

Laurence Gardner says in regards to Theophilus in The Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark

History Documentary,

Laurence Gardner says in regards to Theophilus in The Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, p. 89: Led by the Roman-delegated Bishop Theophilus, they walked upon the Serapeum, where the gathering was held in the immense Library of Alexandria, and flattened it to the ground so as to clear the field for the tenets of new Church-endorsed writing. In such manner, Rome was said to have crucified the serpent of insight, generally as Jesus (a purveyor of that intelligence) had been crucified by the same foundation. Theodosius has secured a spot in the history books as a standout amongst the most unjust, similarly most controlled, Emperors. Maybe the boss delivery person Michael was still in Constantinople! Theodosius decree concerning Epiphanius says:...the one that won't obey pater Epiphanius have no privilege to continue living on the island. The non-Cypriot Epiphanius debilitated to expel individuals from their origination unless they changed over to Christianity! Diocesan Cyril of Alexandria (378-444 CE), who was a cousin of Theophilus and succeeded him after his demise, drove Christian hordes against both Jews and agnostics. (The Pagans were all individuals with religions other than Judaism or Christianity). The Jewish synagogues were leveled to the ground and the Jews driven from the city. Another Christian swarm, likely requested by Cyril as well, assaulted and killed the colossal savant and mathematician Hypatia of Alexandria (ca 370-414 CE).

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